Page 14 - 2018annualreport
P. 14


        Maintaining and enhancing            Week Without Walls
        biodiversity is a fundamental        Every year between May and June, we support field trips for SD46 classes that
        necessity of a healthy               are themed a ‘Week Without Walls’, aimed to get students outside of school

        environment, healthy                 and reconnecting with nature. We provide programming and transportation
                                             support for district teachers, visiting five different parks for five days of hiking
        economy, and healthy                 and learning. This year we had several classes from Madeira Park Elementary
        society.                             School participate.

                                             Under the Sea Day Camps
                                             A new initiative for 2018, two week-long Under the Sea Day Camps were held in
                                             the summer at the Iris Griffith Nature Centre (one in July, and one in August).
                                             Children ages 7-11 explored parks and beaches along the Sunshine Coast,
                                             and learned about a wide range of ocean-related topics. The Under the Sea
                                             theme is consistent with the Lagoon Society’s aim to begin including the marine
                                             environment in our public education programs. Children aged 6-11 years old
                                             explored, played games, and built artistic and scientific skills, all while learning
                                             to act as stewards of the environment. This program will be offered again in July
                                             and August 2019.

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