Page 15 - 2018annualreport
P. 15


        Closer connections with              The Wood Duck Bus
        the natural world provide            When we are not using the Wood Duck Bus for public education programs,
        universal benefits for               we use it to assist in transporting members of our community to various

        everyone.                            educational and cultural events. For example, we used this bus this year to
                                             transport Grade 9 students from Pender Harbour Elementary and Secondary
                                             School to the BC Technology Conference held at Chatelech Secondary School.
                                             We also used the bus to support the Pender Harbour Elementary and Secondary
                                             School Choir, transporting them to various schools throughout the Sunshine
                                             Coast for performances. The Wood Duck Bus has acted as a tour bus for the
                                             Pender Harbour Garden Club as they visited local gardens, and has transported
                                             the Harbourside Friendship Seniors group on field trips to Egmont and Powell
                                             River. The bus is also used by local soccer teams and Pender Harbour Volunteer
                                             Fire Fighters.

                                             The EarthFair Store
                                             Our charity-run bookstore is a hub of social activity, encouraging earth-friendly
                                             living through our selection of novels, guidebooks, outdoor items, and nature
                                             gifts for all ages. We help spread news, nature awareness, and information
                                             about all the Lagoon Society activities.

                                             Each year, the Society provides local guidebooks for sale at the EarthFair Store
                                             and different festival venues, including the Annual Mushroom Festival. The
                                             Lagoon Society helped start this original festival in 2008, which now attracts
                                             hundreds of curious people eager to learn more about mushrooms. The
                                             main public event culminates at the Community Hall where the public bring
                                             hundreds of mushroom specimens to be identified by experts, including our
                                             former Director, Dr. John Field. 2018 marked the last year that the not-for-profit
                                             SCHROOM society will host the festival. The Lagoon Society will resume the
                                             operation of this most popular community festival in Fall of 2019.

                                             May Day Parade
                                             The Ruby Lake Lagoon Society attends the Annual May Day Parade every year,
                                             and this year we even had our own float, generously sponsored by an SCRD
                                             Rural Grant-in-Aid. We were proud to receive the 2nd place ribbon for our
                                             “Pirates for a Plastic-Free Pender Harbour” Float, which addressed the issue of
                                             single-use plastics. Our booth at the parade had a saltwater touch tank, as well
                                             as information on plastic pollution in the marine environment. With over 3,000
                                             people in attendance this year, the May Day Parade is a consistently great way
                                             for us to engage with a large and diverse part of our local community.

                                             Cultural Celebrations
                                             As a part of the Pender Harbour community, the Lagoon Society is often invited
                                             to attend cultural celebrations throughout the year. In June, our Directors, staff,

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