Page 5 - The Origin and Evolution of PODS
P. 5


          and our souls. And it is also completely free to
          everyone on the planet!

          It is equally astounding just how quickly the world’s
          scientifi c community came together to research,
          develop, and test new vaccines in such record-
          breaking time. When the combined efforts of the
          scientists from around the world are devoted to
          solving a problem, it is consoling to know that such
          incredible progress can be made at lightning speed.
          We need the same resolve to address global warming
          and we need it right now.  Scientists working at PODS
          in tandem with others throughout Canada will be an
          important part of this global effort.

          PODS is a beacon for the future and another
          wonderful example of what makes the spirit of
          Pender Harbour so special.

          Let’s make it fl y!!

          Michael Jackson - Executive Director
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